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Friday, March 11, 2011

Types of Cardio Exercises

Cardio is an abbreviation for cardiovascular exercises. Any exercise done to lift your heart rate and keep it elevated for a period of time is known as a cardio exercise. What are aerobic exercises? An alternate name to cardio exercises. Cardio Exercises can be used as a workout to lose weight. Generally cardio exercises are considered to be jogging, walking and swimming.

Cardio Exercises are extremely beneficial for the body. It strengthens the heart and enhances the lung capacity, thereby pumping blood easily and oxygenating the body well, Hence Healthy living. Cardio exercises are also suitable means of maintaining perfect metabolism and burning calories. It is also quoted by many Experts that regular cardio exercises help you relieve stress as it helps to sleep and relax. There are several varieties of cardio exercises to choose from. Given here are few cardio exercises:

Running is the most common kind of cardio exercise. It is enjoyed by people of all age, especially by youngsters. In the morning, running in fresh air helps to rejuvenate the body as well as burn calories.

Bicycling is another kind of aerobic or cardio exercise that helps in losing loads of weight. It works on your cardiovascular fitness. Performing it as indoor or outdoor activity entirely depends upon an individual's choice. An alternative to bicycling is Power Walking.

Swimming is the best cardio exercise in summers. Not only does it help in overall weight and balanced weight loss, but it also provides total support to your joints and reduces the risk of any kind of injury.

Walking is another effective cardio vascular exercise. Half an hour of normal walking can burn about 180 calories. Apart from this, if you like brisk walking, your speed of weight loss will be almost doubled. It is easy and requires no surplus preparation.

Though at a glance, this machine looks complicated in the corner of gym. However, rowing is one of the most effective cardio. It helps in loosing about 300 calories in half an hour if done with vigor. It also gets your heart rate up, as you crazily work on your arms.

Step Aerobics
Step Aerobics is one of the most popular cardio exercises. It aims basically on the workout of the legs, hips and butts. It can make you lose 400 calories in half an hour if done with intensity.

Rock Climbing
Rock Climbing is a wonderful cardio. It can help you lose about 380 calories in half an hour, but is meant only for those who are well trained in this art.

Cardio Exercise Guide - How Much Calories Per 15 Minutes?

Cardio exercise, to have the best of it, must be done with consistency. Selecting one that is a favorite and jazz it up with other types of exercises can be exciting, apart from being effective. A good interval cardio workout constitutes of performing different types of exercise for an interval of 15 minutes. For instance, the person can perform the elliptical trainer for 15 minutes and then move on to a stationary bike for another 15 minutes, before finally completing the set with a 15-minute exercise on the treadmill. This method of exercise is a powerful guide in burning calories.

Two groups are the central composition of cardio exercise and these shall act as your free guide. These two groups are the sluggish and steady set and the high strength.

I. Sluggish and steady Cardio exercise

a. long continuance which lasts from 45 minutes to 1 hour
b. low strength
c. burning of fat and not the carbs
d. conserve the joints

II. High strength cardio exercise

a. short continuance which lasts from 20 minutes to 30 minutes
b. high strength (belongs to interval workout)
c. fire up the metabolism all day by burning calories
d. handle cardio similar to weights-explosive actions

The above cardio exercise must serve as a free guide for those who want to burn calories. The question now arises: which cardio exercise burns how much calories in 15 minutes? The following can be your free guide:

1. Step aerobics-in 15 minutes, 200 calories are burned by aerobics targeting the legs, hips and glutes
2. Bicycling-125 to 250 calories are burned in 15 minutes of working on an outdoor or stationary bicycling.
3. Swimming-doing breaststroke burns 200 calories in 15 minutes.
4. Rock climbing-this is not only a good cardio exercise, it also strengthens the arm and leg power. This cardio exercise burns, in 15 minutes, 190 calories.
5. Walking-this humble yet powerful cardio exercise can burn 90 calories in 15 minutes.
6. Rowing-150 calories are burned in 15 minutes. It also tones the arm muscles.

Taken from

Free Aerobic Exercise Program

There is a lot of reason why people should join an aerobic exercise program. The program is pretty expensive, people have to go to the gym, and they have to let other people see them in shorts or even worse, spandex. It is often seems embarrassing! Most of the people are already out of proper shape but they just want to stay home and get slim on their own and then go to the gym to socialize, drink healthy fruit drinks and show off their newly toned body and impress everyone.

If people work out on their own to begin with there's just they and after a hard day at work that exercise tape will look mighty unfriendly and really it's easy to talk themselves out of exercising just for a day and they all know how that route goes. Whereas in an aerobic exercise program people have got the other members in their group who equally do not want to work out but are there as well so they have morale support. If people do not show up one night they can bet they will get on their case about slacking off and not showing up. Not to mention they will have paid good money that will go to waste for every class they do not show up for.

Another bonus of a free aerobic exercise program is that people will have professional advice available at every turn to ensure that they do not over-exert themselves; people can go too fast or stop progressing once they have started their regime. The worst thing people can do is find a comfortable plateau and stay there, if they do not keep increasing the difficulty of their work out they will not build their stamina or their fitness levels, they will not even build muscle, they will just keep the ones they have got which is fine but for right now they want to keep increasing their muscle tone.

By joining an aerobic exercise program people also get the use of all the gym's facilities including exercise equipment they might not be able to afford privately. People will probably get access to the facilities like spa and sauna which are excellent for winding down after a hard work out. But in true sense the best part about joining a program is having people to commiserate with about how hard they have worked and to congratulate them when they accomplish different milestones in the program. The professional support people get from the program will be well worth the fee they pay for joining and the weight they lose and the muscle tone they gain are priceless.

There are a number of factors that people need to consider to make sure they maximize the burning of fat, and do not over train and give up. There are two types main of exercise. Aerobic exercise and the other is anaerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is commonly the low intensity training, so the heart rate is pushed to between 60 and 70% of the maximum heart rate threshold. When people train in this heart rate range, studies have shown that they burn the highest percentage of fat. Anaerobic type of exercise on the other hand, is high intensity training.